Our vision is to create a safe, creative, educational and diverse space within our community.
The idea for a community garden in Kinross was born from the isolation and lack of connection during Covid 19, and a feeling that building something in the community, for the community, was an ideal way for everyone to come together, make some new friendships, learn from others and, of course, enjoy growing our own garden.
Kinross Community garden became an official not for profit incorporated association in August 2021. A Federal Government Grant of $7500 provided the initial funds to get the garden up and running. There have been many other grants applied for and fundraising events that will ensure the continuity of the garden for years to come.
The first garden beds were installed on 16th January 2023 in relocatable wicking beds. The City of Joondalup has major works planned for the MacNaughton Park site around 2025 at which time our garden beds will be moved until the permanent site is available. Until then, the gardens have in their first months proved to be extremely bountiful with a wide variety of herbs and vegetables to enjoy.
We are very grateful for the support, encouragement and advice given by other community gardens, with a special mention to the Duncraig Edible Garden.
It is our aim that as we develop and nurture this garden, in turn we will be developing and nurturing a place for people of all abilities and all walks of life to belong.